Sunday, 29 May 2011

Saskatchewan Teachers May 26-27 Strike, Students walkout

Excuse my tardiness on this article, we've been busy. It's going to be mostly video oriented, as the actions spoke louder than my words can.

Tuesday, May 24, North Battleford students sparked a province-wide student walkout at 11:00 AM, during class time. Over 100 students marched to their local MLA, Len Taylor, who gave kind words of support towards our teachers, and a proud thank you to the students. They proceeded to march down main street, receiving supportive honks, and notable media attention. Sorry for my lack of material here,

On May 27, teachers in North Battleford walked through town, letting everyone know they want to be taken seriously, and shown respect. It was amazing to see over three city blocks full of teachers, students, and other supporters. Many brought their children (who were of course without school care for 2 days) and pets, who all seemed to enjoy the beautiful day.
I have split the full walk into two legs, one highlight reel and one that captures the entire mass of the crowd. Enjoy

 I hope that our teachers are able to come back next year happier than ever so we can have a positive productive year!

 As for the Students Free Press, we're ready to start writing full time, and the creators are working on some big plans in their school. Watch out for a bunch of more articles in the very near future. Thank you.

C.B. Stewart,
North Battleford
Any questions, chit chat, how you can get involved, irate rants, ect, don't hesitate to contact me

Stay Awake.

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